CPD Platform Included
Explore our extensive library of CPD courses shown below and included in this subscription, along with informative webinars and recorded 'Huddle' sessions featuring insights from expert guests. Dive into recorded workshops from renowned organisations like the Youth Sports Trust, Swim England, and AfPE. Discover a wealth of valuable resources, eBooks, and our acclaimed podcasts.
Thrive membership included
Gain VIP access to events, 50% off other courses not included in your school's subscription, and exclusive offers. Enjoy benefits from other organisations like The PE Hub. Get free tickets for your staff to the Active Primary Schools Conference and ongoing support for your team's PE advancement. Access VIP webinars, recorded sessions, exclusive workshops, expert Q&A sessions, and a range of high-quality downloadable content. Stay updated with PESSPA developments. through newsletters and podcasts to elevate your team's professional journey.