Using a Ofsted registered childcare provider

Why should I use an Ofsted registered childcare provider during school holidays?

Do they have a proven track record? Are their staff suitably checked and qualified? Do they hold relevant insurance? How do they recruit? What policies and procedures do they have in place to ensure the safety of your child?

These are just some of the questions you may ask. However, the key question must always be, are you Ofsted registered?

Aspire Active Camps are proud to be one of the few Ofsted-registered school holiday childcare providers solely focused on sport and physical activity. Being Ofsted registered means that we have all child protection policies and procedures in place. 

We always follow a strict ‘sign in’ and ‘sign out’ procedure that ensures we know where children are at all times. Our staff are suitably qualified and screened prior to employment, risk assessments are carried out on a regular basis and the correct insurance is present. And being Ofsted registered means you can make a tax saving and pay by childcare vouchers!

An Ofsted registered provider ensures that...

  • They will have comprehensive child protection policies, procedures and insurances to safeguard your child
  • They will be regularly inspected by Ofsted to ensure standards are met
  • You are able to use childcare vouchers at each Ofsted registered venue
  • If you are eligible, you can pay for childcare through the tax-free childcare scheme
  • Staff will be DBS certified
  • Regular risk assessments will be carried out on premises and equipment
  • At least one member of staff will have a paediatric first aid certificate
  • At least one member of staff will be trained in the Common Core of skills and knowledge for childcare